
Everyone talks about sustainability.
Very simply, it minimizes environmental degradation
It can be understood as maintaining ecological balance.

Because I feel like I have to do something big.
I'm going to start with a little lighter steps on what I've been putting off.

I believe that the act of making something, no matter how small, inevitably destroys the environment.
Instead of changing our minds and 'making' sustainable things,

Re-using what you have is the beginning of a Human Error plan.

I got the name Human Error by accident,

Thanks to a teammate who enjoyed the words that came out of the process of giving feedback on some mistakes.
I started a task that might have taken a lot of effort with a light laugh.

Joslounge is going through a multi-step inspection process.
We don't just discard the small "mistakes" we found in the process.
After showing you exactly what the mistake is, I would like to introduce it.

Team Joslounge

기본 정보
HUMAN ERROR #1 (w) Celery Aurora Pajama Set

This is a set of celery aurora three buttons pajamas using light, high-density cotton in green color.
*Oil marks on the back of the left shoulder
*Because of the nature of the "Human Error" campaign, it is difficult to exchange or return the product.
*You can purchase this product when you log in.

To use or earn Naver Mileages, please check out through personal payment window.

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  • GIFT

    Everyone talks about sustainability.
    Very simply, it minimizes environmental degradation
    It can be understood as maintaining ecological balance.

    Because I feel like I have to do something big.
    I'm going to start with a little lighter steps on what I've been putting off.

    I believe that the act of making something, no matter how small, inevitably destroys the environment.
    Instead of changing our minds and 'making' sustainable things,

    Re-using what you have is the beginning of a Human Error plan.

    I got the name Human Error by accident,

    Thanks to a teammate who enjoyed the words that came out of the process of giving feedback on some mistakes.
    I started a task that might have taken a lot of effort with a light laugh.

    Joslounge is going through a multi-step inspection process.
    We don't just discard the small "mistakes" we found in the process.
    After showing you exactly what the mistake is, I would like to introduce it.

    Team Joslounge


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    링크를 연결하고 싶지않다면 링크기입란에 #(샵기호)를 기입해주세요(자동 사라집니다.)